Thursday, 14 July 2011

Weight Loss Methods

The number of people who are overweight and obese is increasing due to unbalanced diet and a small amount of traffic. More and more people are operating is eligible for removal obesity. Weight is considered invalid if it exceeds 30 points, BMI (Body Mass Index). There are different ways to lose weight. It would seem that the best advice on losing weight reducing diet is strict. However, it appears that better than the strict diet is well balanced. For this updated schedule of regular exercise.

Diet for weight loss

Most people weigh too much because of inadequate lifestyle, based on the unhealthy eating habits. Overweight and obesity may be due to various factors such as sluggish metabolism, genes and socio-economic status. However, the most common reason is simply consuming too much calories and lack of physical activity. SlenderMax have a page specifically for suggested diets.

As it turns out the greatest chance of weight loss in May those who have opted for a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables and those who reduced their intake of food and drinks high in fat, simple sugars and preservatives. Fat intake should be no more than 30% of consumed calories. And this is also an important type of fat, the animal should be limited. Foods containing unsaturated fats that do not raise cholesterol, are healthier. Reach more frequently after the salmon, tuna, olives and avocado. Other foods that are recommended are those that are whole grains such as wholewheat bread, pasta and cereals, brown rice. 

Very important are snacks, after which we reach. Also must be healthy and light. Convenience is reaching for greasy chips. However, this does not help us in losing weight and maintaining good health. Drinking pure water is also important. The required minimum is 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Your body consists of 50 to 60% water, so you have to remember to drink water to avoid dehydration occurred. In addition, drinking water reduces appetite and takes part in burning fat, which has been stored in your body. In use, a healthy diet should reduce the amount of calories. You have to do it in moderation, because the number of kilograms, which will lose the very strict diet is likely to come back. 

After quick weight loss the body defends itself and slows metabolism. Your starved body will look for stocks not only in adipose tissue, but also in the muscles. After fasting, when people begin to gain weight is mostly fat returns, not muscle. It is recommended not to restrict calories to less than 1000 per day. Otherwise you will be constantly hungry, and then it is very difficult to control diet. In addition, if you exercise intensely that it becomes dangerous to your body. 2250 calories is the average for men and 1940 women. This dose should be limited so as not to lose more weight than 1 kilo per week, which usually means a reduction of about 500 calories per day. 

Physical activity

Lack of exercise is one of the major factors contributing to overweight and obesity. Active dieting is classified as the most effective. Remember to limit the amount of time spent on such activities as watching television and sitting at the computer. Additional ways to move a lot. Go to the shop on foot and do not use elevators. 

Exercise can greatly increase the chances of losing weight. The mere doing crunches is not enough to remove the extra pounds. Only the combination of a healthy diet with physical activity will bring the desired results. Such exercises like sit-ups will help shape the area's beautiful sculpture. Lifting weights will also benefit, because help gain muscle mass. If you like never before weights, go the bottom of the gyms, where professional trainers will tell you how to do it efficiently and safely. It is important that physical activity, which caused you to decide pleasure. Otherwise, get bored quickly and end the exercise. If you're an introvert, you probably enjoy swimming, cycling or jogging. If you are an extrovert select team sports. 

As a parent, remember to inculcate children with healthy habits from an early age and practice with them. It is important to avoid overtraining. The recommended dose is 30 minutes exercise three times a week. If you have any health problems consult your better pre- exercise schedule with your doctor. Remember to warm up and stretch. This will minimize the risk of injury. May increase muscle mass or those who because of injury should not involve the joints. You can do this by using electrical stimulation . However, it is quite expensive.

If exercise is not an option, SlimBetti can help with products that will provide similar results.

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